Holy cow, Summer Session II is over tonight? We have covered 5 whole weeks of Calculus already? Actuallly, what I should be asking is: "How the heck did we cram Calculus I into 5 weeks?"
Well, I already blogged about the first week,
Also, I had previously blogged about my tech setup:
What follows are the YouTubes I used to break up the class routine! I usually started each class with a review of the homework, then I showed one of the following "educational" YouTubes and then I started the actual lesson.
Week 1
201 = mathematicious
202 = I will derive
203 = calculus rhapsody
Week 2
301 = calculus summer
302 = theorem night
303 = sleigh bells
Week 3
401 = hopper1
402 = hopper2
403 = hopper+letterman
Week 4
501 = Lehrer – new math
502 = Lehrer – periodic tablex2 videos
601 = Lehrer – lobachevsky
Week 5
602 = archimedes
701 = pauschx2 videos
1101 = escalantex3 videos
HTH, I hope you enjoyed Calculus I this summer!

Learning with Technology,
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