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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Taking the show on the road!
I am fortunate enough to have secured a PC Lab/Classroom for this summer at NCC. So, I brought my laptop and tablet to do all my SmartBoarding! What follows are pictures from Room B115 that show my tech setup! As you will see, I pipe everything through my laptop that is, in turn, attached directly to a PC Projector in the front of the room. I had to sit in the front of the room in order to use my bluetooth tablet to control the works! I had to sit in an odd position such that if I turned my head to the left I could see my students and if I turned my head to the right I could see what I was writing on the PC Projector! This was the only configuration that worked. The room is too skinny and deep. I tried not to seat anyone in the back row as they would have a hard time seeing the "SmartBoard." In fact, it's not a SmartBoard. There is some sort of 3Comm infrared pen interactive whiteboard, but they don't let anyone use the pens. As a result, there is a swing arm projector on the board, but its really just a marker board. I don't even get a Projection Screen! Also, the PC Projector is so close to the board, that the output is very small. The setup in this room is far from optimal. However, as you will see, I tried to improve things with my laptop and tablet, aka my portable smartboard!
HTH, I hope you enjoyed seeing how I setup my portable SmartBoard!
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