December 9th was Grace Hopper's birthday and the Hour Of Code! So, we revisited Grace Hopper and Ada Lovelace. We were also practicing preCalculus and Calculus Carols which are the beat math filks ever.
Who was Ada?
Calculus Sleigh Ride!
Oh Calculus, Oh Calculus
This month I covered Conic Sections and Planet Orbits in preCalculus class. So, Youtube Wednesday saw several Astronomers as Guest Speakers. We have several Guest Speakers and Documentaries though out the year.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Bill Nye
Phil Plait
Carl Sagan
October is devoted to one of my all time inspirations: Admiral Grace Murray Hopper.
60 Minutes!
September YouTube Wednesdays!
I started the year with the definition of filk:
/filk/ n.,v. [from SF fandom, where a typo for `folk' was adopted as a new word] A popular or folk songwith lyrics revised or completely new lyrics and/or music, intended for humorous effect when read,and/or to be sung late at night at SF conventions. There is a flourishing subgenre of these called`computer filks', written by hackers and often containing rather sophisticated technical humor.
Then I proceeded to show some Math Filks! I always start with Mathematicious which is a review of Regents Math. Then I introduce Tom Lehrer!
Base 8 Arithmetic!
Periodic Table of Elements!
Well, that's all folks!
A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math, Physics and CS
2013 NYS Secondary Math PAEMST Nominee

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Applied Math, Physics and CS
2013 NYS Secondary Math PAEMST Nominee

Learning with Technology,
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