preCalculus Honors 2018-2019:
Exponential &
Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 4 ScreenCasts
Chapter 4 was all about solving Polynomial Equations. First we used the Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra to find how many roots to look for. In other words, if we are solving a 3rd degree Polynomial Equation with all Real Coefficents, we are looking for at most 3 distinct Real Roots. Note, however, that these roots may not all be different neither must they all be Real. If we get Complex Roots, we're looking for Complex Conjugate Pairs. Then we used the Rational Roots Theorem make an educated guess as to one of those roots. Finally, using the Remainder Theorem and Long Division or Synthetic Division to find all remaining factors. We even needed the Quadratic Formula to find Complex Roots sometimes!
Chapter 5 was all about solving Exponential Equations using Logarithmic Functions and vis-a-versa! In fact, this chapter was more about invertable functions than anything else. We talked about functions that are one-to-one and functions that are onto. We solved Exponential Equations with the same base and with different bases. We developed the Change Of Base formula for logarithms that are not common (base 10) nor natural (base e). Then it was easy to solve Logarithmic Equations as well.
(1 video = up to 5 bonus points):
(up to 5 articles = 1 bonus point each):
(1 video = up to 5 bonus points):
1) Use a recognizable tune.
2) Karaoke entire song changing up the words (about STEM).
3) You are Singing, Dancing or Playing an instrument.
4) You upload your video to YouTube and provide the url.
5) YouTube Description includes the lyrics.
(up to 5 articles = 1 bonus point each):
1) Cover Sheet is a Summary of the article.
2) Full Page, 12 pt Font, Double Spaced, 1" Margins.
3) Article has to be STEM related
4) Article has to be a current event.
5) Copy of entire article is attached.
Well, that's all folks!
Teaching with Technology,
A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math, Physics & CompSci

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