Scientific Computing
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math
Teaching & Learning Math & Science with Technology
Graphing Calculators, Numerical Methods, Computer Algebra Systems & Linux Clusters
Why Shadowfax? Our cluster is so fast that we named it after the Lord Of The Rings character!
Website once known as (1988 – 2008)
(My AP Classroom from 1988-2019) (Running Linux from 1994-2018)
Fall 2022 MAT225 Lecture 403:
Lecture 403, this week on Monday 11/21/2022, was about extending Green's Theorem Normal Form. We talked about calculating Flux through a 2D surface in 3D rather than accross a 1D boundary in 2D. We also introduced the Divergence Theorem which makes this all much simpler!
This week on Wednesday 11/23/2022, all evening classes went on vacation so we could go to GrandMa's house for Thanksgiving on Thursday!
Next week on Monday 11/28/2022 we will finish up our curriculum with Stokes' Theorem for Line Integrals in Space calculating Work extending Green's Theorem Tangential Form from the Plane. The rest of the course is devoted to review and testing.
It goes without saying that we coded in Jupyter Notebooks using Markdown and Latex to anotate our work as well as Python and Sympy to check our work!
Test taking tips:
0) During any zoom session, remember: No pajamas, no bedrooms!
1) Place your webcam such that I can see your workspace during the exam. No cellphones! But Calculators, Laptops or Tablets are ok.
2) A copy of TEST3B is available for download at 5:30PM from BlackBoard so you can set up how you want to take the exam before class starts at 5:45PM (tablet and stylus or pencil and paper).
3) You may use anything on our BlackBoard site to help you during the test.
4) Consult our TEST3A solutions during TEST3B as a model of how to write complete answers. Show all work supporting each answer.
5) Avail yourself of any computing environment you are familiar with to check your work: Graphing Calculator, Jupyter, etc.
6) Show all work in the spaces provided for each question or clearly labeled on separate sheets of paper.
8) You may leave class when you are done. Don't be in a hurry, you have all class period.Carefully check all your work, time permiting, before you leave class.
9) Return clearly legible copies of all your work as a single pdf file via school email no later than 15 minutes after you leave class or 8PM, whichever comes first (gives you time to use CAMScanner or Squid to prepare your work for uploading). Class ends 7:45PM.
2) Karaoke entire song changing up the words (about STEAM).
3) You are Singing, Dancing or Playing an instrument.
4) You upload your video to YouTube and provide the url.
5) YouTube Description includes the lyrics.
(up to 5 articles = 1 bonus point each):
1) Cover Sheet is a Summary of the article.
2) FullPage, 12 pt, DoubleSpaced, 1" Margin.
3) Article has to be STEAM related
4) Article has to be a current event.
5) Copy of entire article is attached.
In recent years our independent study class has been about the care and feeding of Linux Clusters: How to Build A Cluster, How To Program A Cluster and What Can We Do With A Cluster?
BTW, Shadowfax is the name of the cluster we build! FYI, we offer 4 computing courses:
CSH: Computer Science Honors with an introduction to coding in Python using SAGE, IDLE, VIDLE and Trinket,
(My AP Classroom from 1988-2019) (Running Linux from 1994-2018)
Fall 2022 MAT225 Lectures 401 & 402:
Lecture 401, this week on Monday 11/14/2022, was about Line Integrals to find the work done to stay on the trajectory C moving within a Force Field F using Green's Theorem Tangential Form. We also worked with Green's Theorem Normal Form to calculate Flux in the Plane.
Lecture 402, this week on Wednesday 11/16/2022, we extended our understanding of Double Integrals in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates to Triple Integrals in Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinates.
Next week is Thanksgiving week so we only meet on Monday 11/21/2022 to extend Green's Theorem Normal Form to find Flux using Line Integrals in the Plane to the Divergence Theorem to find Flux using Surface Integrals in Space. Monday 11/28/2022 will finish up our curriculum with Stokes' Theorem for Line Integrals in Space calculating Work extending Green's Theorem Tangential Form from the Plane. The rest of the course is devoted to review and testing.
It goes without saying that we coded in Jupyter Notebooks using Markdown and Latex to anotate our work as well as Python and Sympy to check our work!
Test taking tips:
0) During any zoom session, remember: No pajamas, no bedrooms!
1) Place your webcam such that I can see your workspace during the exam. No cellphones! But Calculators, Laptops or Tablets are ok.
2) A copy of TEST3B is available for download at 5:30PM from BlackBoard so you can set up how you want to take the exam before class starts at 5:45PM (tablet and stylus or pencil and paper).
3) You may use anything on our BlackBoard site to help you during the test.
4) Consult our TEST3A solutions during TEST3B as a model of how to write complete answers. Show all work supporting each answer.
5) Avail yourself of any computing environment you are familiar with to check your work: Graphing Calculator, Jupyter, etc.
6) Show all work in the spaces provided for each question or clearly labeled on separate sheets of paper.
8) You may leave class when you are done. Don't be in a hurry, you have all class period.Carefully check all your work, time permiting, before you leave class.
9) Return clearly legible copies of all your work as a single pdf file via school email no later than 15 minutes after you leave class or 8PM, whichever comes first (gives you time to use CAMScanner or Squid to prepare your work for uploading). Class ends 7:45PM.
2) Karaoke entire song changing up the words (about STEAM).
3) You are Singing, Dancing or Playing an instrument.
4) You upload your video to YouTube and provide the url.
5) YouTube Description includes the lyrics.
(up to 5 articles = 1 bonus point each):
1) Cover Sheet is a Summary of the article.
2) FullPage, 12 pt, DoubleSpaced, 1" Margin.
3) Article has to be STEAM related
4) Article has to be a current event.
5) Copy of entire article is attached.
In recent years our independent study class has been about the care and feeding of Linux Clusters: How to Build A Cluster, How To Program A Cluster and What Can We Do With A Cluster?
BTW, Shadowfax is the name of the cluster we build! FYI, we offer 4 computing courses:
CSH: Computer Science Honors with an introduction to coding in Python using SAGE, IDLE, VIDLE and Trinket,