MAT122 Week Zero Update: Setting Up!
Dear Students,
I can't wait to meet you all on Wednesday September 1st to start our Calculus I class during this upcoming Fall Semester! Don't forget we meet Wednesdays-Fridays from 9/1/2021 to 12/22/2021 for 1 hour and 15 minutes. On Wednesdays and Fridays we meet at 11am. On Thursdays we meet at 10am.
My Blackboard site is almost ready but Nassau Community College (NCC) is not allowing access until Wednesday 9/1/2021. So, I thought I'd give you a few pointers ahead of time:
Please download the SYLLABUS from BlackBoard, read it carefully and pay very close attention to:
Page 1:
Math Learning Center Zoom link
Page 5:
Required Textbook
Page 5:
Student Responsibilities
Page 6:
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Page 7:
Copyright Statement, Assessments and Americans with Disabilities Statement
Page 8:
Return to Campus Expectations & Guidelines
Pages 9-13:
ClassWork, HomeWork Assignments and Exams
Please download the WELCOMEBIO from BlackBoard, fill it out and return to me via college email ASAP. My email address is listed in the SYLLABUS.
We will be using the TI83/84 series of Graphing Calculators. If you are already familiar with another calculator series such as TI85/86 or TI89/92, please feel free to use what works best for you. Also, please make sure you have a second device during class and tests, such as a tablet or ChromeBook, for viewing our lectures via Zoom.
I typically have 3 Chromebooks running during class: one for zoom lectures, a second one to monitor the zoom session and another one to read my notes and lesson plans. You may be able to get by with multiple tabs on one device. Please feel free to make your own choice. Pick whatever works best for you!
You will find several screencasts of our lessons in each of the 5 units on our BlackBoard. These screencasts are hosted on the college's Kaltura cloud service which is much like a private YouTube server just for NCC students and professors. See a sample recording above. I recorded these videos LIVE in 2010 with a TI83 and I rerecorded these videos as SHORT summaries after class in 2018 with a TI84C. You are responsible for all the material covered in all the screencasts posted on our Blackboard site.
In addition to Zoom, Blackboard, and Kaltura, I will be using the CAMScanner and Squid apps and recommend you use them too. I'm using AndroidOS, but these apps, or something similar, should be available for iOS as well.
Squid is great for taking notes on a tablet or writing your solutions on a pdf such as a test using a tablet and a stylus. The free version of Squid is great, but you need to pay a monthly fee or a one time lifetime fee for pdf markup. I also paid a fee for the geometry tab which makes drawing diagrams with your stylus easier! The monthly fee is not much if you only want to use Squid for a few months. I paid the lifetime fee instead for a couple of extra features as I use this app all the time but I don't need the entire feature set.
CAMScanner is great for converting handwritten work to pdf format so you can email your Exams to me.
Typically during my Zoom lecture I will be sharing notes with you using Squid and a TI84C Emulator.
When you take an exam, you have a choice. You can download and print the test so you can complete it with pencil and paper in a more traditional manner. Then you can use CAMScanner to convert your handwritten work to a pdf and email your test back to me.
Alternatively, you can download the test onto your tablet, markup the pdf with your solutions using Squid and just email the new pdf with your work. Again, please feel free to make your own choice. Pick whatever works best for you!
That's it for now. I hope you find this note is helpful and I hope that you will learn a lot this semester in my class!
A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math & CS
Nassau Community College
Well, that's all folks.

2015 NYS Secondary Math PAEMST Nominee